Presenting Eagle:
The Lemon Foundation

Platinum Eagle:
The Katzen Arts Center at American University

Lecture Luncheon Sponsor:
Stifel – Bayer Private Wealth Advisory Group

Gold Eagle:
Mrs. Ellen MacNeille Charles
Alisann & Terry Collins Foundation
Mrs. H. Bartholomew Cox
Sophie & Val Hawkins
Mars, Inc.
Marcia V. Mayo, the Mayo Charitable Foundation 

Silver Eagle:
B.F. Saul Company
Mrs. William J. Curtin
Mr. William J. Curtin III
Mr. & Mrs. Stancliff C. Elmore, Jr.
Farrow & Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Graham
Kalorama Group
Schumacher & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. George Howard White
CK Williams Foundation

Brochure Sponsors:
Carlsen Design & Construction
The Potomack Company Auction House

Preview Night VIP Reception Sponsor:
Zantzinger Built

Weekend Lecture Series Sponsor:
The Porter Family Foundation

Design Panel Sponsor:
Corcoran McEnearney

Jazz Night Sponsor:
The Gordon F. Linke & Jocelyn B. Linke Foundation

Media Sponsors:
American Fine Art Magazine
International Artist Publishing

Saturday Lecture Sponsor:
VOX Global

Sunday Lecture Sponsor:
HUB International 

Sundaes on Sunday Sponsors:
The Curtin Family 

Design Circle Sponsor:
Raymond James

Young Collectors Circle Sponsors:
Tudor Place

Bronze Eagle:

Mason & Clark Bavin

Judith Bishop

Brian E. Branton

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bruce

Mr. & Mrs. I. Townsend Burden

Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Taylor Burke III

Lizzie & Michael Cantacuzene

Clark Construction Group

Amie & Paul Colby

Crosby Design, LLC / Maria Pollard

The Decorative Arts Trust


Mr. & Mrs. John Dullahan

Mrs. Ruff Fant

Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Huffman

Mrs. Dynes L. Leitch

Mr. & Mrs. W. Pless Lunger

Mr. Stephen A. McLeod

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Meath

Rachel & Jared Michael

Mr. & Mrs. John Montgomery

Mrs. R. Kendall Nottingham

Mr. & Mrs. David Ottenbreit

Outerbridge Horsey Associates

Alixe & Andrew Peek

Mr. & Mrs. Robin Roberts

Josh Hildreth & Rick Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. Clint Shaw

Mr. & Mrs. David Shepard

Page & Howard Smith

WC Smith / Lisa & Chris Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Travers

Jonathan G. Willen & Associates, Inc.

Preview Night Benefactor Committee:

Mr. & Mrs. Dana T. Ackerly II

Diana & Michael Allen

Leslie S. Ariail

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bartlett

Katie & Westray Battle

Mr. & Mrs. A.G.W. Biddle

Elizabeth & Ben Brown

Mrs. Thomas W. Brown

Brian & Marion Smith Buglione

Richard & Helen Bragg Cleary

Mr. & Mrs. John Sanford Darden

Jeremiah & Amy De Rham

Malcolm W. Dilley & Alexander J. Ragonese

Martha Dippell & Danny Korengold

Cherrie Wanner Doggett

Laura & Eric Dreiband

Elizabeth Elser

Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Fraunfelter

Rodney P. Frelinghuysen

Kelly & Art Garrett

Cleo & Michael Gewirz

Anne Hugh Douglas Randolph & Tyson Gilpin

Leigh & John Hay

Carrie & Otto Hoernig

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Holland

Amb. Stuart W. Holliday & Gwen Holliday

Hon. Rodney E. Hood

Georgina Owen & Outerbridge Horsey

Mr. & Mrs. Barclay Howe

Catherine C. Jones

Geoffrey & Kathryn Minor Jones

Hon. & Mrs. Christopher W. Keller

Allison & Jon Kling

Michelle & John Korsmo

Heather Larrison

Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren

John & Logan MacKethan

Osborne Phinizy Mackie

Mrs. William Swift Martin III

Colvin T. Matheson

Katie & Alex Mathews

Brent & Laura McIntosh

Mr. & Mrs. Joe McKenna

Robert L. Montague III

Angela Lancaster & Cantwell Muckenfuss

Daryl Muller & William Reynolds

Mr. & Mrs. John Nading

Mrs. James T. Norman

Tony & Claire Parker

Jean Perin

Susan & Steve Phillips

Katherine M. Prendergast

Diana Prince

Audrey Reed

Lucy S. Rhame

Susanne Shore & Pete Ricketts

Colman & Richard Riddell 

Lynn Springer Roberts

Maura & Brandon Ross

Anne Brooks Rudzki

Diane & Peter Schaefer

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Sears

Nell & Ed Shapiro

Jean A. Sherrill

Nancy & Simon Sidamon-Eristoff

Skip Sroka

Suzanne & Chip Stelljes

Amy & Peter Sturtevant

Lansing Moore & Duncan Taylor

Christine & Jonathan Terrell

Robert & Ann Thompson

Pamela & James Wise
